
How can we make a difference in the world? One simple thing we can do daily is to smile. This simple action step can make a huge difference in our daily lives. Smile first thing when you wake up. Smile at everyone you encounter, even your pet. Smile, especially, if you feel sad, it will be a conscious reminder that you are responsible for the way you feel and inspire you to lighten your mood.

Think of things that make you smile. Remember a time that you really laughed about something, think of something that touched your heart. Go to a pet store and just look at puppies at play or sleeping. Your bound to smile.

Try to smile at everyone you meet. Smile at people waiting at a bus stop, in the grocery store, at work, even remember to smile at someone who is aggravating you. You can go one step further with this and say “bless you” which adds even deeper meaning to your smile.

See how many smiles you get in the following month. By the end of the month, you will be so used to gathering smiles, that you will create a harvest of goodwill. And who will benefit from this? You and all those you encounter. What have you got to lose? Just give it a try. Send me an email to let me know how this works for you.

With a smile and hug for you!

About Rose Trefz, Director

Rose Trefz is a successful business owner, tuning pianos, since 1977. Rose is a peace, environmental and women’s rights activist via social networks . Rose’s Facebook pages are: Worldwide Women’s Support Circle, Global Sisterhood, Living In Tune, Worldwide Spiritual Circle Facebook pages, as well as, Worldwide Women’s Support Circle, Love Mother Earth, plus several other Facebook groups and Twitter.

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