Category Archives: You Tube Video

7 Days of Rest, Jan. 1-7 Global Event

January 1-7  I have been happy to participate in an awesome global event called, 7 Days of Rest. When a brilliant friend of mine in Jerusalem, Shelley Ostroff shared with me a vision she had for this idea of 7 Days of Rest in 2018, I knew how important this would be. What Shelley did to accomplish and manifest the 7 Days of Rest Global Events has been nothing less than phenomenal. I am happy to support and promote this event far and wide with my social networks!

7 Days of Rest  January 1 – 7, has brought together individuals and communities from across the world in service of a thriving world for all. We now move forward together to manifest our shared vision. 

Love Mother Earth is a simple seed idea that is desperately needed in our world today which I was inspired to start after participating in the first 7 Days of Rest even. There are so many people who care deeply for our planet and bring hope, ideas, inspirations and solutions for the healing and restoration of our Earth. We need so many more people to understand the needs of our planet and especially, the need to do whatever we can to preserve and care for our planet for future generations.

It is so wonderful to  see so many exceptional women who are leading others to realize that is is our responsibility to do our part to love and cherish our Mother Earth. I sincerely hope that with our new Love Mother Earth group, that as we share, inspire and uplift our global family daily via our social networks that more people will realize the urgent need to connect to nature, to eat a plant based diet, and to deeply cherish and love our most fragile Mother Earth and all life thereon.

I am so grateful to be connected to a vast and growing network of people who inspire me and bring me hope. In the online opening ceremony and meditation, I was happy to learn more about the work of Cynthia Jurs, whose efforts with the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project brings healing and protection to the Earth by filling consecrated clay vessels with prayers and offerings, and ceremonially burying them in the Earth in collaboration with indigenous elders, young activists and grassroots leaders in places where healing and protection are most needed around the planet. An awesome organization,  that I am a grateful member of and which I love deeply is, TreeSisters, women seeding change. TreeSisters envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore our planet. Loving Waters is a growing united global community of Water advocates providing connection, support, presence and focus for committed ‘Water Guardians’ in their broader actions by hosting this website, a monthly conference call, and with a lively social media networking presence. The Global White Lion Trust is doing so much to preserve, rescue and keep safe the small number of while lions still in the wild, such majestic creatures that have been slaughtered mercilessly by trophy hunters, and whose habitat has been diminished so greatly. It touches my heart so deeply to know that there are so many individuals and organizations who are doing their part to make our world a better place!

So deeply grateful to Shelley Ostroff, whose passion and efforts are an inspiration to us all. Learn more about Shelley’s work here via Together In Creation.

Women’s Empowerment: A Cause For Awareness

Women’s Empowerment is so very important to me. I was recently inspired to create an awareness video project that is especially for women’s empowerment. It all began when I first virtually met the most inspiring and empowering founder of the WWSC, Rose Winstanley-Trefz.   And Rose being her name is not just a name, she is in fact as sweet as a rose, though I’ve never met Rose in person.

Rose brought an awareness to me of how important empowering other women of the world is, especially in an age where society signifies men and belittles the female gender. Rose encouraged me to be part of this tremendous cause to empower women, that ultimately became an actual passion for me.

That also led me to create a Facebook group,  Saudi Women’s Support Circle since I live in Saudi Arabia.

I have been working on producing a youtube clip that actually took me about one year to create and finalize since it was first announced, due to many reasons.  One reason was the difficulty of finding participants and the continuous following up with everyone. Second was whether or not I should get a sponsor for the video.

However, my persistence and determination did not stop me as I was so keen on creating this video.  Even with these few participants, I realized how important the voices of these young university students are.

From the moment it was uploaded, this women’s empowerment video has been viewed and liked by many!  It is really rewarding to me, and I would love to share it with you.

This clip is about a group of girls united together for one purpose, to empower women. The aim of this clip is to simply raise awareness and to inspire more and more women to step into their own empowerment!

LINK TO VIDEO: Women Empowerment – Awareness Video

Jawaher Zahran,   Saudi Women’s Support Circle



Women For World Peace

Women for world peace is a critical step for ending the violence and destruction that is taking place globally. Women must say, “Enough is enough!” Women globally must realize that it is up to us to make the world a better place! Come on ladies. Roll up those sleeves. We have a lot of work to do!

Peace, compassion, freedom, equality, abundance, and unity to all people!

Peace event starting 8/7 – Till the end of time.

Please watch this clip and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! :

women for peace