Have A Peaceful & Inspired Attitude Daily

“Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes and your day will tend to be pleasant and successful.” ~Norman Vincent Peale.

I find this statement to be very true. Most days I begin by reading inspirational quotes for my posts on Facebook, or if I need quiet time, I have a room in my house which is where I do my spiritual studies, yoga & qi gong, and meditation. This room is a sanctuary for me, and whenever I have issues to deal with, or I feel anxious, I head to my peaceful room to sit, read, or just gaze out the window…We all need places like this, even if it is a corner of a room somewhere in your home that is set aside for time to recharge and refresh your energy.

Taking the time in the beginning of a day to get inspired is critical toward having a positive attitude on a daily basis. Some people get out of bed and first thing turn on the TV, radio or computer and start reading or listening to the latest “news,” the latest bits of insanity about what is going on in the world. If you do this, please notice how you feel after you walk away from this negative bombardment of information. Notice how your body feels. Are you tense, more anxious, sad or depressed? If so, please try something new.  If this is your normal  pattern, get up in the morning, and practice saying “Thanks for a new day!” first thing when you are conscious. Spend a few moments before getting out of bed telling yourself that you are going to have a great day. Tell yourself that you have everything you need to enjoy the here and now. Relax completely for a minute or two while taking some deep breaths. Then do some gentle stretching before getting out of bed.  Do not turn on the TV or radio unless it is tuned into something soothing and peaceful. The idea is to spend time in quiet, or find something inspirational to listen to or read. I have a little booklet with daily affirmations which you can also find online which is called the ‘Daily Word.’ I always feel better after reading this booklet, but since it is Christian based and this wouldnt resonate with everyone, find something that really lightens your thoughts, feelings and mood. There are many online sites for inspiration and countless books and materials to tap into that you can gather that is specifically for you.  If you just take this one step toward having a peaceful and inspired morning you are going to have better and brighter days. You will be Living In Tune!


About Rose Trefz, Director

Rose Trefz is a successful business owner, tuning pianos, since 1977. Rose is a peace, environmental and women’s rights activist via social networks . Rose’s Facebook pages are: Worldwide Women’s Support Circle, Global Sisterhood, Living In Tune, Worldwide Spiritual Circle Facebook pages, as well as, Worldwide Women’s Support Circle, Love Mother Earth, plus several other Facebook groups and Twitter.

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